Chude Jideonwo’s article titled; “Practice What You Preach: How To Make The Workplace (And World) A Happier Place” was featured in ‘Forbes’.
You can read the full post here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2018/05/10/practice-what-you-preach-how-to-make-the-workplace-and-world-a-happier-place/#191a50773af1
Where people spoke about self-defense, Gandhi spoke about non-violence. Where people insisted on retributive justice, Mandela doubled down on restorative justice, and where others prized pride and attack, King spoke often of love and patience.
We are a culture very fond of quoting, with approval, King, when he says, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” But how many of us truly believe this in our hearts, and act this out with our words and actions when it comes to those we consider “darkness”: American liberals on Donald Trump, Western pundits on Vladimir Putin and everyone about terrorists? We agree with the wisdom of the sages but find them impractical, idealist and pacifist.