#WithChude: A powerful tool in protecting mental health in Africa

#WithChude: A powerful tool in protecting mental health in Africa
October 26, 2021 chudeadmin1

Many things threaten the mental state of the average African; from a shocking rise in insecurity issues to a rather depressing state of affairs to unfiltered toxicity permeating the soundwaves. Worse still, despite the prevalence of factors that threaten people’s mental health, very little attention is given to protecting it.

Studies by The Lancet- the world’s leading medical journal for global health- and the World Health Organisation show that there is a dearth of services for mental health in Africa. Additionally, most African countries are yet to implement mental health policies to protect citizens. Consequently, there is yet to be a significant dip in the rate of mental and psychological problems plaguing the continent. For this reason, several organisationsns and private platforms have made protecting mental health in Africa a priority. One of such being WithChude.

WithChude is a series of targeted multimedia- video, podcasts, newsletter and events- conversations and investigations that explore issues and occurrences that affect the psychological and mental health of people and circulate the solutions and tools needed to handle such occurrences and issues.

In about four years, WithChude has conducted over a hundred interviews with people who have handled grief, suicidal tendencies ostracisation, stigmas, and more. Through these interviews, it has gathered lessons and principles that various people have employed in rising above the dire circumstances and living wholesome lives. These lessons, which have been encapsulated into podcasts, videos and newsletters, have been widely circulated on major platforms across various cities of the world, including Lagos, London, Connecticut, Yaounde, and Ann Arbor, to mention but a few.

WithChude, through its services, has revolutionised the lives of many people. One beneficiary from its services- name withheld- said, “This year has been my most vulnerable, after losing my best friend and mother of 40 years as well as becoming a mother myself for the first time 2 months after her passing. I have been searching for ways that will help me through this difficult time then I bumped into [WithChude]. I feel safe and have had a little spark of hope reading from you.”
Like this beneficiary, WithChude has helped and is helping many through difficult moments in life and is consequently protecting many individuals mental health in Africa.


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