I want to share details of a personal experiment I am doing throughout 2021. I will be spending the whole of 2021 completely off social media.
The work that we do requires me to spend time with myself and in myself. In this particular case, I want to create some multimedia products, and because of the kinds of stories I want to tell, it requires a level of authenticity that can mostly be secured through solitude.
My colleagues will be helping me with updating my social media, with videos that we create under the #WithChude brand, including The Daily Vulnerable.
I am really excited about all the feedback I’ve gotten. I am so grateful to all those who have found me worthy of sharing their stories and those who will still find me worthy in the future.
I can’t imagine myself doing anything else but this work; it feeds my spirit, and hugs my soul. I am deeply thankful. While I am away doing this dramatic thing, I know that I remain deeply connected with you in spirit.
God bless you.