Joy, Inc. Founder, Chude Jideonwo to speak at H20 Government Track to Kickoff Inaugural World Happiness Summit in Miami.

Joy, Inc. Founder, Chude Jideonwo to speak at H20 Government Track to Kickoff Inaugural World Happiness Summit in Miami.
March 15, 2018 Admin

The World Happiness Summit (WOHASU), is a Miami-based start-up, committed to facilitating and promoting dialogue around happiness and civic wellbeing as a human right and in line with their annual event have rolled out a series of activities spanning from March 16 – 18, 2018 which will be launched by The H20 Government Track.

H20 is a short form for Happy 20 Government Track, a meeting very similar to the popular G20 Summit which focuses on strengthening global economies. The H-20 gathering, however, ambitiously focuses on raising the global quotient of happiness. It is an invitation-only roundtable dialogue uniting global government leaders, economists, academics, activists and researchers to cross-pollinate and focus on improving the well-being of societies and nations, and is designed as a discussion of best practices, challenges and policies around increasing civic happiness.

Chude Jideonwo will on a panel alongside global leaders Jeffrey Sachs, Richard Layard, President Vincente Fox, Manuel Pietra, Alejandro Adler, Eduado Padron, Karen Guggenheim and Isaac Prilleltensky. 
The H-20 Government Track holds on Thursday, 15th March 2018  at 8:45 am


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