Chude Jideonwo to speak at The Loose Talk

Chude Jideonwo to speak at The Loose Talk
February 5, 2019 Dorcas

Founder of happiness company, Joy, Inc. and Co-founder of RED, Chude Jideonwo has been invited to be the guest speaker on The Loose Talk: a group of unbothered Nigerians, an event organized by The Impact Organisation, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Osun state.

The event which is slated to take place on Saturday, February 9, 2019 at the Old Moot Court in Obafemi Awolowo University, is aimed at creating a safe space for people, especially young people, to be able to discuss mental health and emotional struggles as they have happened and continue to happen on a personal and general basis.
It will have in attendance over 70 undergraduate students of the University and will explore the importance of safe spaces amongst young persons.


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