Why Sirleaf’s win is a big deal for West Africa

Why Sirleaf’s win is a big deal for West Africa
February 20, 2018 Admin

Chude Jideonwo’s article titled; “Why Sirleaf’s win is a big deal for West Africa” was featured in ‘Mail and Guardian’.

You can read the full post here: https://mg.co.za/article/2018-02-20-why-sirleafs-win-is-a-big-deal-for-west-africa



“Sirleaf took the helm of Liberia when it was completely destroyed by civil war and led a process of reconciliation that focussed on building a nation and its democratic institutions,” the prize seldction committee said, correctly, but to that we must add the smooth, elegant hand over of power to new president, George Weah early this year.

As a West African, especially one who has worked extensively in elections across the sub-region, the symbolism of Johnson-Sirleaf winning this important prize after four years without a winner is endless. It speaks to a continent that dislodged two entrenched party establishments in Nigeria and in Ghana 2015 and 2016, and then disgraced a small African dictator, Yahya Jammer from Gambia in 2017 (of which Sirleaf was of course a major player)


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