Chude Jideonwo to preside as a Judge at the Annual Bake for Change Reading Competition & Spelling Bee

Chude Jideonwo to preside as a Judge at the Annual Bake for Change Reading Competition & Spelling Bee
May 25, 2019 Dorcas

Founder of Happiness company, Joy, Inc, will be presiding as a judge at this year’s Annual Bake for Change Reading Competition and Spelling Bee, organized by The Bake for Change Foundation.

The event, which will happen on May 25, 2019, is organized every year for the benefit and participation of children in special correctional centers for children across Lagos state, and usually has 5 correctional centers competing against each other.

This year’s event will hold at Special Correctional Center for Junior Boys, Birrel Road, Yaba. from 10am to 3pm.


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