Chude Jideonwo about Chimamanda; Chimamanda Adichie comes to terms with Global fame

Chude Jideonwo about Chimamanda; Chimamanda Adichie comes to terms with Global fame
June 4, 2018 Admin

Chude Jideonwo was interviewed by the New Yorker for an article profiling Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

You can read the full post here:


Chude Jideonwo, a friend of hers who works in P.R., had come back from a year at Yale scarred and angry. “Liberals in America just assume that everyone has the same world view and the same history,” he says. “Gender pronouns, for instance. In Nigeria, anyone who believes that people of minority sexualities should not be jailed is already a progressive, so we don’t have the mental space for fighting about pronouns


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